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Follow @placeshawaii

Na Hoa Mele

How can we (Grade 3) impact our community positively through music here in Hawaiʻi and around the world?

Keiki Coders

How can haumana develop skills in coding to tell stories about the history and importance of community places and place names?

Kanaka Scientist

How can we create awareness about all the biodiversity found in Oʻahu? How can we create awareness about all the biodiversity found in Oʻahu?

Hiking & Outdoor Fitness

How does our connection to outdoor places inform our understanding of the Waianae community? Furthermore, how can we deeply and respectfully engage with outdoor places?  

Girls Club

How does handmade art communicate a sense of aloha between the creator and recipient? How can we create handmade art to celebrate/communicate a sense of aloha and the beauty of our lives? How can art help us express our feelings, thoughts, and emotions in positive ways?

Contact Us

Dr. Kay Fukuda
Project Director

Place-based Learning And Community Engagement in School

Place-based Afterschool Literacy Support

University of Hawai'i at Mānoa

Student Equity, Excellence & Diversity (SEED)

2600 Campus Rd., QLSSC 413

Honolulu, HI 96822

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Site Designed By Created By Kaui