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Outdoor/Indoor STEAM

School: Kamaile Academy Public Charter School
Grade Level: Grade 1
Teacher: Sandra Passmore

Driving Question: How can participating in STEAM challenges help me to problem solve in real life (home and school)?  

What did the students DO?

The Indoor/Outdoor STEM group was able to complete quite a few STEAM activities and challenges throughout the first part of the school year. The first challenge, Highest Tower, required students to use toothpicks and mini marshmallows to see who could build the sturdiest and highest tower. The second challenge, Construction Paper Links, required students to create the longest chain link possible using just one sheet of construction paper, scissors and a glue stick. The final challenge, Heaviest Boat, required students to build a foil boat that could hold the largest amount of building blocks without sinking. The allowable materials were a piece of foil and building blocks. Unfortunately, this group was dissolved mid-year due to unanticipated health challenges for the teacher.

Contact Us

Dr. Kay Fukuda
Project Director

Place-based Learning And Community Engagement in School

Place-based Afterschool Literacy Support

University of Hawai'i at Mānoa

Student Equity, Excellence & Diversity (SEED)

2600 Campus Rd., QLSSC 413

Honolulu, HI 96822

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