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Robotics | 2020-2021

School: Nānākuli High & Intermediate School
Grade Level: Grades 7-12
Teacher: Rick Enright

Driving Question: How do we as students design, build, program and document an Electro-Mechanical device that requires software to compete in multiple robotic competitions both in-person and virtually?

This year’s teams consisted of students grades 7-12. There were four members who took their team to championship tournaments. Through their hardwork and dedication they came into robotics during the pandemic and worked diligently in order to compete remotely from here in the classroom. Their hardwork and dedication helped them to succeed in being the number one ranked middle school team in the state and allowed them to compete in the World Championship via Zoom. During the World Championship the team placed 8th out of the 42 teams in their division with teams that competed from all around the world. Going forward to this season we split this team up to lead our new members in different teams and that has resulted in one team winning a design award, another team placing 2nd at this past tournament that we just had and various progressive attributes that have been utilized in making all teams competitive. Slowly as a program we are seeing great improvement in robot builds, notebook documentation management, as well as driving and programming abilities. At the rate at which this program is improving it is without doubt that these kids will have a very successful, fun, inventive and competitive season as we are just getting started.

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Dr. Kay Fukuda
Project Director

Place-based Learning And Community Engagement in School

Place-based Afterschool Literacy Support

University of Hawai'i at Mānoa

Student Equity, Excellence & Diversity (SEED)

2600 Campus Rd., QLSSC 413

Honolulu, HI 96822

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